Website Deployments Steps

Website Deployment Steps - Wordpress

1 Create a Google account
2 Create a bitnami account
3. Add credit card to google engine for credit
4 Deploy VM and deploy google engine
5 Remove bitnami logo
6 increase upload capacity
7 Obtain Theme, upload it to the VM instance, and configure demo settings
8 Configure Domain Name to IP address
9 Configure and deploy Encryption key
10 Install plugin : real simple SSL and adjust linux permissions accordingly in file system
11 Perform theme initial configuration to match Demo
12  install plugins:  

Simple tags,
allinone SEO Pack
all in one wp security
Prevent direct access
wordfence security
WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan
WP Hardening
WPvivid Backup Plugin
complianz - cookie consent  - terms and conditions

13 Configure wpvivid backup to backup to google drive with the previously created email address - set weekly schedule
14 Open a sendgrid account and obtain an API for SMTP Relay and configure WP SMTP  - or perform Google configuration if using gmail - **
15 Configure contact forms and test functionality
16 Configure theme to match company's information
17 - configure Website Header to match company's information
18 - configure slider with relevant information - Ensure images are functional
19 - Create a new menu
20 - Create an About us section
21 - Create a services section
22 - Create a service area section
23- Create a contact us section
24  - Create a portfolio section
25 - Configure footer section with relevant information
26 - Configure All media to match  company's name
27  - Create a testimonials section
28 -Create a zoho account
29 - configure sales IQ and deploy plugin in website
30 - Configure SEOs for all pages
31 - Create Social Media sites
32 - Connect social media icons to site - configuration
33  - Add business to Google My business
34 - Add business to bing webmaster
35 - Configure google analytics
36 - Take ownership of business google maps and request code
37 -  Install and configure plugin: smartcrawl
38   - deploy marketing lead generating platform
39  -  Configure wpceber settings
40  - Install and configure plugin: Really Simple Click to Call

Estimated amount of time - 60-80 hours