Creating Quizzes and Uploading to the Moodle LMS Interface

Creating Quizzes and Uploading to the Moodle LMS Interface

Depending on the situation, it may be easier to insert new quiz questions into Moodle by creating them one by one. However, if a publisher has provided a list of questions in Word format, it is possible to import them into Moodle automatically. Unfortunately, most of the time, the publisher's file does not have the appropriate Moodle formatting. To import these questions, you have to change the questions' formatting so Moodle can recognize them. Please refer to the instructions below to import multiple choice questions into Moodle using the Aiken format.

Creating your quiz questions

1.     Open up Notepad or TextEdit on your computer.

·       If you have received a Word file from a textbook publisher containing quiz questions, open this file, copy all of the text, and paste it into either Notepad or TextEdit.

2.     Moodle requires a specific format when importing multiple choice questions (for more information on the Aiken format please click here). See the image below for the correct formatting: 


·       Arrow 1 - Title: the title of your question must appear as the top line without any formatting. If the question extends to two lines, that is ok.

·       Arrow 2 - Choices: the question letters must be capitalized with a period or parenthesis following the option choice. There should be a space after the period/parenthesis, followed by the answer choice. Each answer should be listed on its own line.

·       Arrow 3 - Answer: the answer text must be completely capitalized, followed by a colon, and a space. The actual answer choice should be capitalized as well.

3.     After you have finished writing your first question, leave an empty line before starting your next question.

4.     When you have finished typing out all of your questions (or modifying any existing questions), it's time to save our file.

5.     In the File tab at the top of the program, select the Save As... option.

6.     Type out your File name.

7.     In the Encoding section at the bottom of the window, chooses the UTF-8 option (this is a crucial step in the process). See image below for a visual: 

8.     Once these options have been selected, select the Save button and save the file to your computer.



How to import questions using GIFT/AIKEN format.

← Tests

Questions can be imported to TalentLMS from a text representation using GIFT or AIKEN formats. 
To import a question, when editing a test, select "import" under "Add question".
You can select the format type (AIKEN / GIFT) and then type the question(s) data. 

You can import more than one questions at the same time. To do so, just leave a blank line between each question.

AIKEN is a very simple format that supports multiple choice questions with a single correct answer. Question text must be on one line. Each answer must start with a single letter, followed by a period '.' or a bracket ')'. The answer line must immediately follow, starting with "ANSWER: " and the appropriate letter.
Here are some examples:

Pick the odd one out
a. Europe
b. Asia
c. Greenland
d. Australia

Which number completes the series 1, 5, 21, 85, ...?
A. 149
B. 253
C. 341
D. 405



GIFT (General Import Format Technology) is a more advanced format that supports an array of question types. Many TalentLMS question types can be imported using GIFT. Please note that TalentLMS may not accept all GIFT features and also not all TalentLMS question types and features can be imported using GIFT.  Here is a list of question types that can be imported to TalentLMS using GIFT format. 


Multiple choice

Options start with tilde character (~), and the correct answer(s) start with equals character (=). 

Here is an example:

Pick the odd one out {

Note that you can have more than one correct answers.

Simple multiple choice questions that can be True or False can be entered by typing the question and next to {TRUE} (if the statement is true) or  {FALSE}  if the answer is false. You can also use the shorter version {T} and {F}.

Here is an example:

Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.{FALSE}
The sun rises in the east.{TRUE}


Fill the gap

Fill the gap questions can be entered by typing the question text with the answer inside curly brackets starting with an equals character (=). 

Here is an example:

The {=quick} brown {=fox} jumps {=over} the lazy {=dog}

Drag and drop

Drag and drop type questions can be entered by writing the questions and then the options inside curly brackets (options start with an equal sign and are matched with the option on their right separated by "->" ).

Here is an example:

Match the capitals {
 =England -> London 
 =Germany -> Berlin  
 =Greece -> Athens


Free text

Free text questions can be entered by typing the text followed by a starting and closing curly bracket {}.

Here is an example:

Write about the Spanish civil war {}

Please note that no options for accumulated points are supported on free text imported questions. These can be added later by editing the imported question on TalentLMS.



Formatting your document.

Follow these sub-steps, so that your file will upload without returning any errors or mangling any of your questions.

3.1. Open the file in a plain text editor like Notepad.

The plain text editor shows only text and spacing. Some of that text and spacing will need to be deleted, so that the document file conforms to the allowed format.

3.2. Remove all line breaks and text before the first question.


3.3. Remove the question number.

The question number doesn't actually have to be removed, but it will become part of the text of the question regardless of the order of the questions presented during a Quiz.


3.4. Capitalize answer choices.

The answer choice letters must all be CAPS. You can use either a period after the choice or you can use a closing bracket.

Note that the tab between the answer choice letter and the answer that was in Word, may look like a tab in Notepad but actually is only a character space.


3.5. Add a line with the correct answer after the last answer choice.

The word ANSWER must be in all CAPS followed by a colon, then a space, then the correct answer choice. In this case, that choice is answer C. The C must be capitalized; otherwise, TITANium will not recognize the correct answer.


3.6. Leave only one line break between questions.

Note the difference between the first question and the second question. Either format is acceptable.


3.7. Save and close the file.


Multiple option questions must be created in the following format and uploaded using the GIFT format.


You have connected two drives to the primary IDE interface in a PC system. How could the drives be configured?(Select Two) {

~%50%Set one drive to master and the other to slave

~%50%Set both drives to cable select

~Set both drives to single

~Set both drives to master

~Set both drives to slave


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