Increase file upload size in WordPress / Moodle / Canvas - Linux Debian 9 Command Console Command

Increase file upload size in WordPress / Moodle / Canvas - Linux Debian 9 Command Console Command

The following adjustments are needed to the the php.ini file after a new deployment through bitnami:

Access the Linux Debian 9 terminal command line. In the landing page type:  

sudo nano stack/php/etc/php.ini

for Debian 10 ternimal use:

sudo nano /home/bitnami/stack/php/etc/php.ini

Using the keyboard combination commands, change the following values in the document as shown below:

upload_max_filesize = 10000M
post_max_size = 10000M
memory_limit = 2000M
file_uploads = On
max_execution_time =1200

You may be required to shutdown and restart the server to apply the changes

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